So now that it's nearly February, I figured I'd share with you what I thought of 2011 as a year of music. Many of the albums on this list are not ones that I've reviewed here yet, because I kept thinking "I need to save this one for a special treatment." Of course, that never came. But these are the albums that I think you should absolutely not miss from 2011, and since everyone else put out their list in December, I can guarantee you that I have a quite a few albums on my list that didn't make it other places. Also, although I'm publishing it now, I had my list finalized by January 1st. I just didn't have my summaries written up, and I get lazy like that sometimes.
So, albums 20-11 are up. Take a look here, or click the tab above. I should get albums 10-1 up in the next few days.